Wine Boxed Wedding Theme

When it comes to weddings, there is a recent trend of having the occasion follow a particular theme. An alluring décor and a fulfilling meal are not enough anymore. To have the guests remember your function and talk about it for years after, you need to do something different and unique to captivate their attention: Hence the concept of themed weddings.

Selecting the Wine Box

Today we will be talking about an interesting wedding theme that would use little to no effort at all but would help you come up with a totally creative concept in return.We all seem to have wine boxes at home in various sizes and designs. 

The ones that are received as a wine gift boxes seem to have even better designs than the normal ones we get to see. Since this theme would make the wine box the star of the show, make sure to pick one that is captivating in its design.

You can either make do with the one you have at home or order yourself a custom wine box that would be in color combinations you want. If you are looking for someone to design you some amazing wine packaging boxes and customize them for you then get in touch with the ones known for being the best in the business. No matter what sort of packaging need you have, you can trust them to take care of it for you.

Write the letter

The theme involves you picking out one of the best custom wine boxes and a wine that both the groom and the bride like. It could also be a drink other than a bride that they can sentimentally connect to. Next in line comes the step where they both would be expected to pen their feelings for each other.
Nothing says romance better than a heartfelt love letter. This theme would have them both read out the love letters to each other and then celebrating their love over the bottle of wine. The box will serve as a carrier for both the letter and the drink.

Once done, the wedding officiant will perform the other legal rituals to help them both form the matrimonial bond.